Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 2010 FIDE Ratings

The latest FIDE Rating list has been released.

Magnus Carlsen continues to be the top rated player in the world; in fact his lead over the second placed Veselin Topalov has increased.

With the help of his comprehensive victory in Medias, Magnus's position as the No. 1 player has only been strengthened. Also, Topalov losing to Anand has lost some points for him and Anand has now moved into third position.

Magnus Carlsen: 2826
Veselin Topalov: 2803
Vishy Anand: 2800

It is significant to see these 3 players with rating of 2800 and above. After Anand, the next highest rated Indian players ares Krishnan Sasikiran with 2679 and Surya Shekar Ganguly with 2655. The highest rated Indian woman player continues to be Koneru Humpy with 2600.

Note: There are 5578 FIDE rated Indian players!

FIDE Top Players lists
Top 100 Indian Players

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