W(R.Reti): Kf2,Ne1,a2,c2,c3,d3,f4,g3,h2
B(A.Rubinstein): Ke8,Ba4,a7,b6,c5,d5,f6,g7,h7
Black to play
Black has a better position because the White N is tied down to defending c2 pawn and White has weak Q-side pawn structure.
29. ...... Ke8-e7
30. Kf2-e3 Ke7-e6
31. g3-g4 Ke6-d6
32. h2-h3 g7-g6
33. Ke3-d2 protecting c2 and freeing the Ne1 Ba4-d7! Black shifts the attack to the K-side
34. Ne1-f3 Kd6-e7
35. Kd2-e3 h7-h5!
36. Nf3-h2 Ke7-d6! waiting move
37. Ke3-e2 d5-d4! clearing the space for the Black K to attack the Q-side
38. c3xd4 c5xd4
39. Ke2-d2 h5xg4
40. h3xg4 Bd7-c6!
41. Kd2-e2 Bc6-d5!
42. a2-a3 b6-b5
43. Nh2-f1 a7-a5 to create a passed pawn
44. Nf1-d2 a5-a4
45. Nd2-e4+? a mistake since King and Pawn endgame is winning for Black
45. ..... Bd5xe4
46. d3xe4 b5-b4!
47. Ke2-d2 b4xa3
48. Kd2-c1 g6-g5
White resigns
since after Kd6-e5, Black captures the other White pawns
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B(A.Rubinstein): Ke8,Ba4,a7,b6,c5,d5,f6,g7,h7
Black to play
Black has a better position because the White N is tied down to defending c2 pawn and White has weak Q-side pawn structure.
29. ...... Ke8-e7
30. Kf2-e3 Ke7-e6
31. g3-g4 Ke6-d6
32. h2-h3 g7-g6
33. Ke3-d2 protecting c2 and freeing the Ne1 Ba4-d7! Black shifts the attack to the K-side
34. Ne1-f3 Kd6-e7
35. Kd2-e3 h7-h5!
36. Nf3-h2 Ke7-d6! waiting move
37. Ke3-e2 d5-d4! clearing the space for the Black K to attack the Q-side
38. c3xd4 c5xd4
39. Ke2-d2 h5xg4
40. h3xg4 Bd7-c6!
41. Kd2-e2 Bc6-d5!
42. a2-a3 b6-b5
43. Nh2-f1 a7-a5 to create a passed pawn
44. Nf1-d2 a5-a4
45. Nd2-e4+? a mistake since King and Pawn endgame is winning for Black
45. ..... Bd5xe4
46. d3xe4 b5-b4!
47. Ke2-d2 b4xa3
48. Kd2-c1 g6-g5
White resigns
since after Kd6-e5, Black captures the other White pawns
Play through this and other good examples on Chess.com
Play through Grandmaster games with Good B vs Bad N