Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Benefits of Chess

Compiled by my student Hazuin Hussain

-Chess is fun
»no chess game ever repeats itself, which means you create more and more new ideas each game. It never gets boring

-Chess is cheap
»you don't need big fancy equipment to play chess

-Full brain workout for better brain health

1) Chess accommodates all modality strengths.
2) Chess provides a far greater quantity of problems for practice.
3) Chess offers immediate punishments and rewards for problem solving.
4) Chess creates a pattern or thinking system that, when used faithfully, breeds success. The chess playing students had become accustomed to looking for more and different alternatives, which resulted in higher scores in fluency and originality.
5) Competition. Competition fosters interest, promotes mental alertness, challenges all students, and elicits the highest levels of achievement (Stephan, 1988).
6) A learning environment organized around games has a positive affect on students' attitudes toward learning. This affective dimension acts as a facilitator of cognitive achievement
7) Chess supplies a variety and quality of problems. As Langen (1992) states: ``The problems that arise in the 70-90 positions of the average chess game are, moreover, new. Contexts are familiar, themes repeat, but game positions never do. This makes chess good grist for the problem-solving mill.'

-Improve our thinking skills
»because chess requires identifying patterns, calculating moves
»chess develops memory and logical thinking
»promotes imagination and creativity
»learn about fairness and not cheating

-Increases concentration
»you are focused on only one main goal-to checkmate and become the victor
»as a child or adult first starts learning the game of chess, they may just be planning one move at a time. They do not have the skills to think ahead. But as they improve, they get better at thinking more moves in the future and planning strategies and counter strategies to defend their pieces as well as capture their opponent's pieces

-Chess inspires self-motivation
»search of the best move, the best plan

-Chess teaches independence
»you are forced to make important decisions influenced only by your own judgment
»learn confidence and self-esteem

-Chess improves schoolwork and grades
»numerous studies have proven that kids obtain a higher reading level, math level and a greater learning ability overall as a result of playing chess

-Teaches discipline from a very early age
»you have to be responsible for your actions, you make a move, you had better think ahead about what's going to happen

-Chess is a game for people of all ages
» You can learn to play at any age and in chess, unlike in many other sports, you don't ever have to retire. Age is also not a factor when you're looking for an opponent --young can play old and old can play young.

Check this interesting video on Youtube

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